(1) Review by a #connected traveller – Connectivity

Finally settled down in Singapore, recovering from the usual effect of jet lag & catching up with work. Thought it would be a good idea to do a couple of reviews from the experience of a #connected traveller.

Lets start with my new hierarchy of needs that best represents my experience.

The new needs of a Connected Traveller
The new needs of a Connected Traveller

I guessed the idea of WIFI & internet being the most basic need of the modern man is not new (just google “new maslow’s hierarchy of needs“) but in my case, I added my need of the daily dosage of single shot of expresso in the morning, which makes Starbucks (Mission statement) even more relevant & its outlets indispensable.  (I have never realized how important Starbucks is when I am back home!)

My experience with getting free Hotspots 

Best experience award goes to Starbucks Germany!! (yup, they won the World Cup 2014 too!) KUDOS!!

In Germany, Starbucks wifi is provided by BTOpen (check out Help and advice), each session is limited to 2 hours but then if you login again (hassle-free without them asking for your email, contact number, your first pet’s name etc) by just clicking on the green button “Connect” on their login screen.

Worse experience –  Sorry, my thai buddies. I have to award this to Suvarnabhumi Airport (Bangkok)

2014-07-05 11.00.24Although the airport is new & shiny, getting a wifi connection there is tedious & could be frustrating. (Seconded by reviews I found on the net) After you provided your email address, first last name, ID or Passport number and some details that I cannot recall, you are then presented a screen with a userID and password that is so highly secured that your IT guy will be proud of, and a button to say- login with this credential. Or if you are “lucky” like me, someone else (see screenshot on left) has the same details as you! (I have NEVER been to the new airport, therefore it cannot be me so it’s still a mystery how they assign user ID’s!) After frisking through my bag for a pen and paper to jot this down, I just took a picture of this with my other phone and then vice versa and tries to login with this “forgettable” userID and password. And if you are lucky, you’ll manage to login. IF not, it keeps looping telling you that your userID and password is wrong, try again. (I gave up after 10 mins) According to the official information, you only have 15 minutes. Even this limited time is inconsistent! My connectivity lasted more than 1 hour when I was transiting on the way to Germany, and around 20 mins when I was coming back, I don’t get it! And no matter how I tried to re login, (new names, new ID’s, new nationality)  I failed! I was a pretty deprived & frustrated traveller. (Especially when I was on the road for more than 15 hours in economy class with a full flight, and a toddler throwing up behind my seat.) Well, not all is bad, at least the WIFI signal is strong everywhere in the airport, even the toilets!!!

Now, the MOST expensive connection award – Thai airways!

Remembering Liam Neeson’s recent movie; Non-Stop (2014) texting away as air marshall.

I paid for my access on Thai Airways A380 flight just for the experience.Screenshot_2014-07-10-00-38-19

The USD14.50 lasted me 2 mins!  I realized that my Android was automatically downloading updates before I could turn it off, I am out of 10mb .

My next review shall be on the hardware and apps I have used on this trip.

Stay tuned, folks!

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